Programs of the Individual Faculties

International guests are welcome at Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. For students and others who are interested in a short-term program, we offer the following Summer School programs.

DateSummer SchoolFaculties
07/03 - 07/21International Summer School German (and) Theology
Postgraduate students and young international scholars are invited to attend this three week summer school as an opportunity for theologians (even with hitherto little knowledge of German) to immerse into language, thought, and the intellectual world of German theology.
Faculty 01: Catholic and Protestant Theology
07/25 - 08/12American Studies Summer School (ASSS) 'The American South'
The American Studies Summer School provides students with courses in literature and cultural studies. Starting in Little Rock, Arkansas and ending in Washington DC, participants study the Civil Rights Movement, the history of food and music in the US South, and Southern Literature. The program is tailored to students of American Studies or English; if there are open spots, we welcome all JGU students to apply.
Ansprechpartnerin: Julia Velten (juvelten@uni-mainz.de)
Faculty 05: Obama Institute for Transnational American Studies
07/24 - 07/28International Summer School Germersheim (ISG)
Post-Editing and Terminology
There is an increasing demand for professional translators in our globalized world. At the same time, translation technologies have brought many changes. In this course students will thus learn about terminology tools, machine translation and post-editing. Participants should study in the field of linguistics or translation and have a good knowledge in German (at least B2).
Faculty 06: Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies
07/31 - 08/04International Summer School Germersheim (ISG)
Intensive Course Interpreting
In this intensive course, participants will learn and train basic interpreting techniques (such as note taking, different interpreting modes, presentation techniques etc.). The course aims at students with good knowledge in German (at least B2) and some prior experiences in translation.
Faculty 06: Translation Studies, Linguistics, and Cultural Studies
07/21 - 08/04Forster Summer School explores – urban climate. Adaption, development and sustainable transformation.
The Forster Summer School 2023 is dedicated to scientific findings and controversies on urban climate, the influence of vegetation, changing human-air relations as well as green and smart city designs. Interested undergraduate, graduate or postgraduate students from Germany and abroad are invited to participate in the two-week summer school.
Faculty 09: Chemistry, Pharmaceutical Sciences, Geography and Geosciences
07/17 - 08/25 IMB International Summer School on Epigenetics & Genome Stability in Health, Ageing & Disease
Get training in scientific and transferable skills from leading experts, attend lectures by renowned scientists, and dive into research projects! Our 6-week International Summer School (ISS) offers outstanding and enthusiastic undergraduate and Master's students from all over the world the opportunity to acquire excellent hands-on training and an interdisciplinary education on the overarching theme of gene regulation & ageing from leading scientists in molecular biology.
Faculty 10: Biology
08/28 - 09/01 Jazz Campus Mainz
Die „Summer School“ als Instrument der Nachwuchs- und Breitenförderung ist ein jährlich stattfindendes 5-tägiges intensives Coachingprogramm für Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene, die bereits grundlegende Fähigkeiten auf ihrem Instrument erworben haben und ihr Spiel in der Pop- und Jazzmusik verbessern möchten.
Veranstaltet von der Landesmusikakademie RLP in enger Kooperation mit dem Jazz Campus Mainz richtet sie sich an zwei Zielgruppen. Zum einen an Jugendliche, die ihr Instrument bereits grundlegend beherrschen, aber noch keine größeren Berührungspunkte mit den Themen Improvisation und Ensemblespiel in einer Jazzcombo hatten und hier Erfahrungen und Input sammeln möchten. Zum anderen an ambitionierte Nachwuchsjazzmusiker:innen, die sich gezielt auf eine Aufnahmeprüfung an einer Musikhochschule vorbereiten möchten. Dementsprechend sind einige der Module auch in zwei wählbaren Schwierigkeitsgraden angelegt.
Mainz School of Music
06/25 - 07/12 GO-Project: '2023 GO Wald'
Education for global citizenship involves awareness-raising, and knowledge and activities which aim to equip all participants with the skills and understanding to take responsibility, to value diversity and to play an active part in European democratic life today.
You can also attend an optional two-week German language course in Mainz before the start of the project (10 June – 24 June 2023).
Scotland Hub
07/23 - 07/28 15. Summer University Immunology & Biomedicine
Intensively supervised by doctoral students, you will learn modern immunological and biomedical methods such as protein or DNA isolation, immunostaining and other molecular biological methods as well as a range of different cell biological methods. All steps of the experiments are carried out by yourselves. Work is done in groups of three, which ensures good supervision.
University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz